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I've read a lot of information regarding the "180" plan and I've figured that today will be my DDay. My wife has been gone since Friday and I have acted completely unavailable and short with my conversation. She senses that something is different and is saying that I'm actin like someone who wants to leave. I feel like I'm doing a good job but now I'm starting too feel like I'm being an a way it feels good. I already planned to be gone when she gets home at the movies. I feel like when I get back shell be gone and have the door locked to the house so my plan B is to have a bag packed and stay in a hotel overnight.

I want the 180 mainly for me. It would be nice for her to say sorry and do the groveling but I would find it to be fake and pathetic. So I just want my life and happiness backand. Tomorrow I'm going back to ny therapist to figure out why I keep getting in abusive relationships and try ny hardest to stick with this transformation.

I fear that her anger and words will make me be the sucker I have been and she knows I really have no where to go. Anyone have any words of advice or guidance as to How to keep your poker face during this time would be great.
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