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Should I be jealous of the sex life my gf had with her ex?

Hello all,

My gf and I have been together for over 2 years now. When we started dating, we would have sex 3 or 4 times every week. We only saw each other on the weekend, so that was a lot of good sex for a short period of time.

She was on the pill, and sex was the most natural thing in the world. I could initiate, she could initiate, any time of day or night. This lasted for about 6 months before she said she wanted to go off the pill to see if our relationship would improve due to the reduced grouchiness (the pill makes some women more ticked off than normal). She went off the pill, but we had our little bickers as much as we always had anyway. Several months passed, and I asked her to go back on the pill, she said no. I asked her again many months later, and she said no again. I do not like using condoms, and would like to enjoy sex the way we used to when she was on the pill.

She recently told me that she and her ex before me used 3 types of birth control because he was so scared about getting her pregnant. She pleaded with him over and over again until he finally consented to only using 1 form of birth control- the pill.

She said that she had a much higher libido than he did and was constantly trying to get him to have sex with her. Over time, my gf and I have had sex less and less frequently. We have had sex only once in the last 4 months. She refuses my advances every time, but does it in a way that is joking or funny. Nonetheless, our sex life is dead.

Should I feel jealous of the sex life she had with her ex?

Thanks for all help!

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