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New and in need of some advice.

A rather simple one perhaps. Just needing some insight.

Married 5 years, ups & downs as all experience...... My sister recently (I stress recently) found a new boyfriend who has a superhero nickname.
My wife thought it a good idea to get my sister and herself matching t-shirts sporting his nickname with a witty "praising" slogan.
Two questions,

Does this send an inappropriate message to the "new" boyfriend from my wife?

Would this be ego boosting the new boyfriend to the point where it would be disrespectful toward me? Perhaps flirtatious?

I admit, I am old school about respect in a marriage and a bit older than my spouse. I'm perhaps feeling a bit slighted as I wouldn't feel it appropriate getting my brother and I matching t-shirts that uplift his new girlfriend. I would think it could be misinterpreted by her.

Please let me know your thoughts....

Thank you in advance

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