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Confused, please help me. :(

So I am 19 and my boyfriend is 22. He is graduating within the week and I am still in school. Our story begins 6 years ago. I was in a very short relationship with his friend and that ended. I was upset. I was 13 and that was my first boyfriend. Within a month I met Tom*. We jumped right into a relationship. I know its crazy. I feel like we were Corey and Topanga from Boy Meets World. We were young and in love. After a few years he moved in with me and my parents. As odd as it may seem, he and my dad formed a great relationship. My senior year of high school my mom was diagnosed with brain cancer. This is where things get rough. 2 years into the diagnosis things have become unbearable at home. He was very very unhappy. I believe this is because of him having to see someone who was sick daily. He participates in the track team and I became annoyed with the track girls texting him. Not only because they were texting my man, but because he would answ er back. When I would text him I would hardly ever get an answer. We moved forward, but a week before our six year anniversary all went to hell. We woke up one morning and planned to go out to lunch. I couldn't decide where to eat and he got frustrated. He stormed out and went to his friend's house. That was it. I kicked him out. He was treating me so poorly. We never went out and had fun anymore. I was always feeling neglected. The night I kicked him out he suddenly decided he wanted to live the single life and enjoy his freedom. All I could say was WTF?! 6 years and you decide no more? We met up and discussed his feelings. I asked him are we going to be together and he said I'm not sure. I can see us together in the future, getting married. But right now I don't know. Why? Why do you not know? It is clear to me. I see us always being together and you said yourself we would be together in the future. I yelled at him. Why can't you see the truth? We are supposed to be togeth er. I love you. He said, you know you're right. OKAY. Everything is good now....
2 weeks later...
"He says I am not happy. It's not because of you. I just don't know if we can be together." Why must you do this to me again?
So my question is what do I do????? I gave him his freedom. He can hang out with his friends as much as he wants. He doesn't have to deal with my mom anymore. When I say I love you to him I mean it. He doesn't seem so positive. I feel like he might be depressed.. For example, this past weekend was great. We went to dinner with my parents, we partied with his friends. Then 2 days later he says this stuff to me? What should I do? Do I move on? Do I wait and see what happens?
Sorry this is so long. I am really confused with this. I feel like I am getting mixed signals.

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