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why would you date him if you cannot stand his mother?

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Now I make this post to ask a question mainly directed at white women
Why would you date someone who is e.g. black/ asain- when you know your are partially racist or come from a racist family

For instance the amount of white girls online who post nasty stuff about black women but proceed to date black men blows my mind
If you don't like e.g. black women why date a black man as when you interact with his family you will have to interact with black women. Not only will you interact with them but you would have to show respect- well if you want the relationship to be long lasting

To take it a step further- why have a mixed race child if you don't have a desire to learn how to do mixed race hair? Or even don't like such a hair texture
Most mixed race children are born with a hair with his a mixture of afro and european hair- some make come out with bone straight but most have curly hair to an extent. If you don't like it then why procreate with some who biologically has an afro?

I ask this question behavior I have seen a worrying amount of white women complain online about mixed race children having curly hair or wanting to date other than white- I mean you interracial procreated so why get mad at your son for dating an e.g. black girl? It docent make sense?

Also for black and Asian men- why date such girls with such obvious mindset?
I would really like some answers


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