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Lost and Confused... getting over first post-divorce relationship

Hi, I'm new.
I just stumbled onto this website by some miracle.
I'm having some trouble with getting over my first post-divorce relationship because it's not making any sense to me... just what the hell happened? I have no idea.
Some days I'm fine. And some days... not so much.
I thought I was ready. I was ready to move on, to be in a new relationship.
And I was. For a little while. It was great. Amazing. But just as suddenly as it started, it also ended. And it seems to have hit me really hard. And now I'm really struggling.
SO much so that I have lost faith in all relationships... people... everything.
Some days are better than others. But when the smoke clears and I realize that I have been plain and simple lied to, deceived, used, and everything I perceived to be real was an illusion, I don't know what to believe anymore. I can't trust my own judgment, my own instincts, my own gut feelings. It changed me.
MY instincts were so clear on this... and it all turned out SO WRONG. And SO painful. How could I have been SO MISTAKEN??
I know I am being somewhat cryptic. The details seem ... well, unimportant. If you want to know, just ask.
I just...
I don't know anymore. :(


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