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Dos and Donts, I also filed today

On the advice of those here and some soul searching, I decided to file for divorce. I explained to my wife that the process can be shut down as it will take time. In this time, she has the opportunity to make things better.

She didn't take it very well. She cried. She says she still loves me and wants to be with me. However, I can't be with someone who will not be intimate with me. She promised to go to counseling but there has yet to be an appointment made. Let's see how that goes.

Now, I don't know what to do or not do when it comes to intimacy. I'm sure she'll ask to go on a date, for dinner, a movie or try to fix a time where we can do something together. This is all great, but unless it leads to intimacy, I don't see it as real progress.

I don't think that just having sex will fix things. I think counseling will help her figure out what she's got going on and what she needs to do, I hope. If it ends, well then it ends. It sucks since I'm still very much in love with her. The idea that she's not the person I married anymore is a shock still.

So, if she initiates sex, do I go for it? I'm not sure what to do at this point. I did insist she get blood work done including a test for all sexually transmitted diseases, just because you never know. I wasn't sure how she would take that but she didn't seem to mind.

Her social media and phone/email are all clear of any possible proof that she's having an affair. We have no kids. I'm a bit lost right now.


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