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lonely/depressed at university (serious advice needed, kind of a long read)

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I've only got 1 real friend and he's from back home, I only go out because of him but feel like were drifting away.

He's wasted his entire year of university (he's got 15% attendence) and has only handed in 2 out of 5 assignments and I'm the only person that tells him he needs to get his chit together but he wants to live in the now and wants to enjoy him self and i depress him everytime i bring it up. - I've loaned him money in the past because he's ran out of it by spending it on all drugs and alcohol. He wanted a job so I instantly sat down with him to craft/tailor a CV to bartending job and spent an hour perfecting it. I don't remember the last time he's helped me besides inviting me out. He also ducks my texts/phones and takes a while to get back to me.

I lost a close friend a few months ago because he thinks i've turned into an *******, because everytime i go out with them i sorta do my own thing like dancing/talking to girls like 50% of the time and he said he feels like I only go out with him is so Im not by my self.

The main reason he dislikes me is because I brought a girl back to mine from the club, we was taking selfies and I ended up taking pics with her when we was both half naked (I was really drunk at the time), the girl thought it was funny and was having a good time but I deleted it after my friend said "why are you doing that to her" which really hit me and i feel ashamed about it.

The friend that dislikes me - The day I met him was the day i was being pushed around by bigger kids and he stopped it, got me into weightlifting and acted like a big brother to me in secondary school

I went out last night with a group and felt like a tag along at first, everytime i go out I have to get pissed asap just so I can talk to people because i'm shy around groups. Later on in the night I started talking to this girl in the group, I met her before to go clubbing with and spent alot of time with her talking/dancing. She makes an effort to talk to me and I actually do enjoy talking to her.

I wanna ask her out for drinks but in the back of my mind I know that she knows that I'm this person that tags along and doesn't talk much and i feel weird as chit sitting there and being a mute for 60 seconds at a time. One time it was just me and her outside talking for 20 minutes straight and other people kept snapchattin pics sayin chit like "aww lovebirds" and they recorded a video of us running down a road away from them lmao.

I've discovered that I'm great at talking with random people on a night out because I feel like I can be my self because I don't know these people and they have 0 effect on my life.

I'm an alright looking guy, it's just that I'm really chit at talking to people and making friends.

I wish i had better friends but at the moment i've only got this 1 friend from back home to rely on to go out with.

I don't know what answer im looking for to help me either.

i was a really ugly kid and most people avoided/bullied me in school thats why i've got stunted social skills and chitty confidence but now i've turned better looking but on the inside im still the same.

I'm all about getting out my comfort zone and being the best person i can be, thats why i push my self to go out and talk to people even if it means i'll be an awkward tag along at times that doesn't talk much. Infact i'm deferring a year to move to austrailia to work for a year on my friends computer business. It's a gamble im willing to take, everyday me and him talk about and the plans for the future - Soon as i land in austrailia i won't have any money to fly back if it fails and my mum said she won't bail me out. So it's either sink or swim.


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