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sex toys

Been married for 18 years, trying to survive that i found about two years ago. Husband refused to go to counseling but talk with pastor. Our sex life for me isn't so great. I've always had a higher drive than him. i admit that the sex in my marriage has never brought me to orgasm but I did enjoy feeling close to him through physical contact. Since the revelation of the affair, i decided to take a more active role in my own sexual gratification. Started masterbating and had my first orgasm at my hands. I've never told my husband that he doesn't tip me over the mountain top so I've been faking it through all of our relationship. Since the affair, I've brought a rabbit and am able to orgasm multiple times. I've asked him if I could bring the vibrator while were having sex and he says he doesn't care but when I do he seems a little put off by it although he doesn't say any thing. Does it affect a guys sensibilities if his wife uses a sex toy while being i ntimate. We have more than that as an issue in our marriage but I just wanted to know:scratchhead:


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