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Sod it, I'm going Speed Dating cause I can't meet girls??? :( I'm paying £20.00

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Need to get over this depression, I'm like a walking smith & wesson looking for a happy bullet to pierce my sad session, singleton, who wants to be friends with one? looking to mingle I tried plenty of fish, no one replied guess my pictures were a miss.

Tinder was no better,
Need to get better, can't run now cause i'm fed up!
paying to meet girls am I sad or am I loser? no, I'd just like to put myself out there and make memories.

Your kidding me if you think i'm gonna weep, hello babes what's your name i'm Jonny R, i'll put your name down and maybe we can chit chat till dark, hopefully at least one will say Si, I want to see you, be real with you, hold me in your arms till we die of laughter.

I will meet my love next week, it's now and forever after.



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