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scratching in sex, problems with gf

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So me and my Girlfriend have been together about 7 months, and not along after we starting having sex did she commence with biting and scratching. I'm not really that into it but not against it either. I've had full on painful scars on my back and bite marks. Obviously I think that's pretty rough. But it turns out the with last person she has sex with before me (which was just a casual relationship) she made the guy bleed enough to have to change his sheets ect and had him in the pain the whole next day. I've never had blood marks nor been in lasting pain. Call me insecure, but obviously being a typical man I'm worried the last person had rougher sex or was better enough to have her scratch harder than with me. She says the scratching with him was out of discomfort and doesn't do it as much with me because she can't physically concentrate to scratch enough, and rougher doesn't even mean better. I'm the only person to have made her orgasm, allegedly, but I still wo rry about this one tiny insignificant thing.

Any thoughts on this at all?


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