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PUAs: Don't get any replies on POF, help!

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Even though I send messages to girls, I never seem to get many responses back. I think it's down to one of two things:

- My message
- My bio on my profile.

I was wandering if anyone with any experience/success on it could help me out. This is my opening line:

"Hey I'm X, I'm psychic. You are blah, like blah, blah and blah... cool huh?"

The "blah's" come from things on her profile. What is wrong with that!? It's funny and shows that I've read what she's put but put it back to her in a different way then what she probably gets all the time.

This is my bio:

"Ok.. the truth is, I can't do it any more, I cant just go around messing around. Quite frankly I'm 23 and it's boring. I've been unfairly branded a b*stard, mainly by myself and possibly a bit of a ladies man, mainly... er ... by myself too.

But now I'd really just like a nice girlfriend, who likes dancing like a mong in front of me, watching DVDs on a couch, playing with my hair, giving me a stupid name and also repeatedly drags me into the bedroom till I get annoyed by it.

If you are in fact any of those things, you are allowed to get in touch with me, not touch me, get in touch with me

It's funny, shows I'm laid back and can take a joke and like to have fun.

Where am I going wrong guys?

Would love any help. Thanks


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