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New baby...soon

Hello all. So my fiance and I seem to have come to a ...disagreement of sorts. She is currently a full-time student. The baby is due in late July early August. Her next semester (after this one) will be mid August. She has this idea that she will have the baby and jump right back into school/internship perhaps a week or two after delivery. I feel she needs to take off that semester for her and the baby. She feels otherwise.

Her internship and school (18 credit hours) will have her out of the house for 5 days a week and from early morning (7am) to around evening (5 or 6pm).

I have suggested to her to take the semester off. Is this just something I should let her decide on? I think it would be good for both her and baby to have that extra 5 months or so, to bond. I know some mother's do, and can jump back into work/school right after delivery, but I think she will need more than a week or two before she goes back. Do I need to back off and let her decide? This is our first baby. Thanks guys.
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