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Anyone else anti pills & prefer natural remedies?

I'm about as anti medicine as you can get, mostly because it has only made most of my problems worse. Now I'm not talking about necessary ones, for heart, kidney or over the counter pain pills, cold medicines etc., but I try everything else before even resorting to them.
A few things during my life has pushed me this way and the first being diagnosed with IBS-D 25 years a go. IBS isn't a disease, it is a made up term that doctors use for an intestinal disorder they can't explain, which means no cure. The GI doctors will just peddle dozens of drugs to battle symptoms, heck, at one time I was on several of them. Anti spasmodic, anti anxiety, anti cramping etc., they didn't do anything for me. I cut out all "trigger" foods, which was a good sized list and still no relief.
In the spring of 2013, I went to a digestive system seminar with my wife, put on by a noted functional medicine physician. Afterward, I told him of all my problems and he was confident he could help me. He ordered specialty tests that revealed some parasites, yeast overgrowth, pancreatic enzyme deficiency and the big one, my gluten intolerance number was off the charts, even though I had earlier I tested negative for celiac disease.
Long story short, He had me take some natural supplements, each addressing my specific issues and told me to say goodbye to gluten and I've been completely healed. It took about 6-12 months for my system to be restored, mostly from gluten damage.
MDs aren't even allowed to mention "natural" products, in fear of losing their medical licenses. Half of them don't even know what a functional medicine doctor even is?
I don't blame doctors, but people don't want to realize that they are under control of the drug and insurance companies. Their job is to push pills, with no regard to if they really help you or not.
I went to the doctor a month a go, with a bad cold/flu symptoms that lasted more than 10 days and I wanted to rule out anything big, because I didn't seem to be improving. Once it was decided, it was just a sinus infection, she still tried to give me antibiotics, for a virus? They don't work for viruses, but she said after 10 days they're allowed to let you try them. The side effects were horrible, so I declined, but felt better in a few more days anyway. People probably take the drugs and think that is why they feel better, when their body actually did it's job without any help.
The dangerous side effects on all the depression, anxiety meds, not to mention arthritis and other conditions, should be enough to scare you away. If death, stroke, cancer, heart attack aren't bad enough possible side effects, then what are?

I could go on forever, but was just wondering if anyone else feels this way or had any bad experiences??


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