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I've completely ****ed my life up, what is the next step??

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I'm posting this because i need some honest opinions. Im 23 and failed my degree due to anxiety now im back living at home with my mum. I have a job that i work 5 days a week and it earns me money. I tried hard to join societies, make friends and throw myself into the whole university life experience but i didn't achieve much.

I'd planned on going back to uni but i'd have to pay £18k fees for 2 years to complete my degree and i don't think this is worth it, so i don't know how i'll be able to earn a decent living and have kids with my wife./partner.

I hate my codependent relationship with my mum. We pray everyday before going to bed and also in the morning and every time we go out. It really does my ****ing head in; it's almost like we're lovers ugh! Don't get me wrong i love her and she's my mum but i really don't like the relationship dynamic.

I almost feel like there's an inviible barrier stopping me from being close to real women and whenever i have needs or desires then i feel immense guilt for having them. I recently got myself an expensive gift that i wanted for 7 years and it took a LOT of willpower from returning it to the shop for a refund
I hate how i can't form relationships with people my age especially women. My coworkers tease me and say that i'm gay because i don't really flirt with girls. When i try and talk to girls at work, they're either disinterested or walk away quickly.
I'm sure i reek of insecurity and everyone can just see it. My younger sister has pretty much grown up and lives in London. She does lots of cool **** with all her friends all the time.
Anyway enough ranting, how can i go forward in life? Am i eligible to apply for any programs or any good jobs that will enable me to stand ion my own 2 feet and move away from home?? I wanna get my **** together and live life.


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