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Help pls

The recent troubles I have had in my marriage was partially my fault. I was in car accident that messed my spin up. I ended up having spin surgery that fail. I was prescribed narcotic pain pills and muscle relaxers. I was on these pills for 7 years. 2 years before the problems started I was on 2 different pills that cause personality changes. I grew dependent on these drugs. I never abused them. I did use them as an excuses for everything, to get out of leaving the home. The year before the issues I never left the home unless I had to. I had become completely withdrawn from my wife and family. There was times I didn't even leave the couch except to eat or got to the restroom for days at a time. Our sex life well I had no desire at all. I had lost my drive for life. When my wife informed me that our marriage was over it woke me up. Come to find out she was having an emotional affair and it was almost to the point of being a physical one.

I stopped taking all drugs except over the counter. I almost feel like my old self. My wife has ended the friendship and agreed to work on the marriage. For the first 2 months things seemed to go really well for us.

She has a male friend (I have met him) that is old enough to be her dad, she been friends with him for 15+ years. He had went to prison for 4 years and recently got out. The entire time he was in prison she kept in contact with him. He was released about a month after the emotional affair ended. One of the effect of stopping taking the pills has been extreme paranoia. Before the accident I was ok with her male friends and only questioned the ones that have thrown up red flags, this guy was never one of the red flags.

Last month my wife took a day trip to go see him by herself. They have been talking for hours a week (not daily) and texting a lot. When she is on the phone I am right there most of the time, mostly him complaining about the long process to get back home. She has even showed me text messages. I know there's nothing going on but I still not ok with her friendship with him. I don't know if its because of the paranoia or the recent emotional affair she had.

Is there anything I can do that will help me get through this? Recommended reading or anything like that.


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