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At a loss- anyone feel the same?

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Sorry for posting in the relationships section; I just wanted to remain anonymous for this.

I'm a second year student at a top uni studying a STEM subject. Academically, I have done very well throughout so it all seems like things look and sound rosy for me in a year's time when I graduate. My friends seem to think I have everything sorted. The problem is, I am at a total loss as to what to do with my life. All this time, I've been fed the same BS about working hard and success will come. What the hell is success? I'm not overly passionate about my degree. I'm doing very well in it but I don't see a future working in a STEM field. I have no genuine passion for anything. When I see my peers talk so enthusiastically about their subject, I feel guilty. I can't even think of something that I would be happy spending every waking hour doing.

I mean, do people genuinely enjoy corporate **** or do these grads just apply for consulting/banking/FTSE100 grad scheme because it's the done thing? Am I the only one who feels the overwhelming pressure to earn lots just because I've done well at school? This is not supposed to be some sort of gloating FYI. I feel like my entire education has been built up to this final moment-graduation and it's been glorified, when in reality, a job is just to keep a meal on the table.


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