I don't agree with Feminism, because of the NAME, NOT what it wants to try and accomplish. I find that it's a way some women, who simply hate or have something against men, use to cower behind whenever anything "bad" is mentioned involving women.
There is an OBVIOUS barrier between men and women, even in the 21rst century, but I think we need to take a look at it as whole, not as a closed picture. If we could all just take a step back and fix it TOGETHER, the world would be a better place.
Forcing people to do something is not going to work... like forcing a child to eat broccoli. If they don't like it they won't eat it, end of. If you tell them how good it is for them, they'll try it and end up eating it for the rest of their lives.
If you try forcing a Muslim to treat his woman with more "Western" respect... to let her do this things from having a job to driving a car... it AIN'T going to happen because they'll think like you're attacking their religion above all.
If you tell them how good it is to live side by side, in equality, then maybe, just maybe they'll start to see the bigger picture.
Am I sexist? Do I really see women as a inferiors? Do I really think that "Women should belong in the kitchen?" ... or "Women should pay attention to what they wear, then they wouldn't get raped?" ...
My GF certainly thinks I am.. that I can't accept that women have it bad... but isn't that gender bias? isn't THAT the root of sexism itself?
Put the internet to work for you.
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