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Do i stay in this or leave?

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Right, so I've been with my girlfriend for almost 4 years but now we've ran into some real problems, and to fair we did a while ago, just she doesn't really acknowledge them or seem willing to do anything about it.

I'm not gonna lie, the root of the problem here is the sex. For the past year, maybe even a bit longer it has been virtually non-existant. Like we've literally done it a few times. Last time we done it was about a month ago. Obviously I complain, so she seems to think it's all fine if she just gives me a quick handjob or just isn't enough though.

Everything used to fine, perfect in fact. We had a healthy relationship with a great sex life that was spontaneous, fun and just excellent. Then eventually, the frequency of it declined from say once a day, to once every few days, once a week, a month and then we started going months without it. Then she came off birth control (pill) because it was giving her terrible moods, so that made her try and avoid sex even more. She doesn't like condoms, and neither do I really tbf but I'd obviously use them if need be. She's so lazy though, that she hasn't even arranged a doctors appointment to arrange another method of contraception yet. It's like she literally isn't arsed.

I'll go and see her, and all we'll do is stay downstairs and watch TV. She just sits there, either with the music channels on or when half 6/7 o clock comes, watches the soaps till about 9 or 10 o clock. All while just ignoring me. I'll suggest having a little fun and she'll just continue watching. I go and see her to watch her watch TV lately.

She says she doesn't want to do anything sexual in the house because she respects her mam, but this never used to be a problem till like a year ago! Even when her mams out for ages, she'll not want to do anything 'incase she comes back'. So obviously I just suggest going down mine but she can never be bothered. She'll text me before she's due to come down asking me if I can go to hers instead because she's 'settled' at hers. She's so lazy man.

I've confronted her about this so many times but it's just not getting through to her that I have needs! She just gets upset and cries when I do point out that I'm not happy with things but she just reverts to her normal, selfish self the next day. It's got to the point where I'm glad i'm not seeing her today, because I know i'd just be sat there, in her living room doing the same old crap.

But it's not as easy as just breaking things off...we've been together almost four years. So, what would you do in my situation? Do I leave pretty soon or do I at least ride it out till over the summer when I might feel better, exams will be out the way and I'll have Uni in September to look forward to?

I feel a bit stuck.


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