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I just don't know

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I was in a relationship with my boyfriend for just over two years when we decided to break up.. we were just arguing all the time and not speaking much. At the time I was fine with it, I wanted to break up, I didn't feel like I loved him as much as I used to, I didn't feel like we should stay together and I just wanted to be away from him. I moved away to uni in September and things just went downhill from there, he tried to speak to me a lot after the breakup and I just replied with shallow small answers, I knew I was neglecting him but I didn't feel like we should speak after breaking up.

I came back home this week and I've seen him a few times and we've just been discussing the breakup and stuff, and how he's been dating this other guy.. which I'm fine with, I guess I can't blame him.

I don't know what's up with me but as soon as I came home and saw him after months of being apart and speaking to him like we used to when we had just got together made me realise that I do love him and that I was just completely wrong, I am just so full of regret at the moment. I can't eat, I haven't eaten much this week, and I have had really bad sleep. I feel terrible, all I want is my partner back, he has been my everything for the past two years and I just feel awful about the whole thing, I guess I'm feeling the way he felt when I was neglecting him.

I just don't know what to do, he doesn't want to get back together because he likes another guy now, he still wants us to be friends and we are chatting, he's still going to visit every so often to see my family and stuff, but I just don't know. I just don't know how to cope right now. I'm just a mess.


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