I'm having a slight problem. When I started my course last year, there was a guy that immediately caught my eye. This guy ended up being in my group of friends, and he ending up dating this girl. (they're both my friends). They only went out for a month or less, I'm not entirely sure when they broke up but I heard it was mutual.
Now my problem is I've always been attracted to this guy, and I've noticed he's been flirtatious with me. He teases me, does the whole playful touching thing (tickling, comparing hand sizes, brushed the hair out of my face once which was a bit..
). He kept trying to find out if I liked another guy friend of ours too.
Yesterday he kept asking if I would marry him and of course I said no (who's going to say yes to that? And it's worse that his ex was in the room, I don't know if she'd like to hear that conversation..). I kept saying no and he kept asking why, was he ugly? What was wrong with him? What if he had lots of money? (all super teasy). Then he pulled out a magazine and kept saying the brides could be me one day. Then proceeded to ask how I would feel if I woke up to these older men in the magazine... All really teasy and strange. I overheard him say to a girl that he likes to make me jealous but I made out as if I wasn't listening.
I told a close friend of his about this. (She's in a different country right now but was on our course for a little bit). She confirmed that he likes me. So before I wasn't so sure, and now I know. I'm feeling a bit iffy - part of me really wants to ask him how he feels, but at the same time I don't know if that's a bad move, considering he's not only my friend but my other friend's ex...
Sorry if this sounds pretty childish with the whole teasing thing and OMG HE LIKES ME. But I've never dated an ex's friend before, and I don't know what other people would think about it.
Is dating a friend's ex ever okay? Considering in my situation they weren't long-term...is it still bad?
Has anyone ever dated a friend's ex? Got any stories to help me out?
I'm so conflicted right now. Thanks guys.
Now my problem is I've always been attracted to this guy, and I've noticed he's been flirtatious with me. He teases me, does the whole playful touching thing (tickling, comparing hand sizes, brushed the hair out of my face once which was a bit..
Yesterday he kept asking if I would marry him and of course I said no (who's going to say yes to that? And it's worse that his ex was in the room, I don't know if she'd like to hear that conversation..). I kept saying no and he kept asking why, was he ugly? What was wrong with him? What if he had lots of money? (all super teasy). Then he pulled out a magazine and kept saying the brides could be me one day. Then proceeded to ask how I would feel if I woke up to these older men in the magazine... All really teasy and strange. I overheard him say to a girl that he likes to make me jealous but I made out as if I wasn't listening.
I told a close friend of his about this. (She's in a different country right now but was on our course for a little bit). She confirmed that he likes me. So before I wasn't so sure, and now I know. I'm feeling a bit iffy - part of me really wants to ask him how he feels, but at the same time I don't know if that's a bad move, considering he's not only my friend but my other friend's ex...
Sorry if this sounds pretty childish with the whole teasing thing and OMG HE LIKES ME. But I've never dated an ex's friend before, and I don't know what other people would think about it.
Is dating a friend's ex ever okay? Considering in my situation they weren't long-term...is it still bad?
Has anyone ever dated a friend's ex? Got any stories to help me out?
I'm so conflicted right now. Thanks guys.
Put the internet to work for you.
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