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Exit Affair confirmed. Best strategy for self respect?

Hi. This story started here:

My post is long but if you read to the bottom you will find the following (ill try to summarize):

Own a house in a small town, married young with two kids. Wife has major anger issues. We moved to city in parents basement for me to get degree. I did and now have a great job I like in a large telecom. Wife hates living with parents and we were saving to leave in the next few months when she plans a trip back to small town to get more money. she is a photographer and is very busy up there. small town - everyone knows her.

few days before she leaves, we get in large fight. she is screaming insanely at my two boys - they are terrified. I had had enough of that abusive behaviour and yelled at her and shook her to stop. I apologized sincerely as it was wrong. I tried to also address her constant rages.. especially with the kids.. we sort of made up but not properly.. only had a few days before she left.

while up there she is hanging out with this guy and have a life crisis at the same time. She develops feelings for him - she denies it all but I found the evidence when she got back. deleted messages thanks to wondershare Dr fone. no sex yet but she wanted to and wants to. She is full on separation leading to divorce mode. wants to leave me the kids, equity in home when we sell, and just wants to be free and single.. heartbreaking.. poor kids.

Anyway, I found out two days ago after she fell asleep on me after having sex for the 4th night in a row. sex buddies I guess.

She thinks Im oblivious and bought her lies. What do I say when I confront..I want to do it now. the waiting is killing me. I have already exposed quietly to her family. they are 100% with me and very upset with her. her uncle is going to have a sit down with this guy and get me on the phone to speak with him. her uncle is well-respected and feared lol. He has my back. I was hoping to wait for this first then confront so everything crumbles down at once for her.

What do I do? Do it now? What do I say? Kick her out of our marital bed? she's gone anyway.. she doesn't want to be in relationship with me but I want to make a statement. I know she loves me and is probably still IN love with me but wants out.. wants freedom while at the same time really desires my friendship. I dont want to give that to her after betraying me.. Advice?


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