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Mentioned previous partner whilst kissing

Today I ****ed up so bad. I was kissing a really cute girl I actually have major feelings for and she likes me back and it was the best date ever and then we finished kissing and I kissed her on the head and said "Sam (last girl I had a sort of thing with) used to like that" and then I realised what had just come out of my mouth and just died inside and ended up head butting my knee. It was breezed over and it all ended well. Then I got home and remembered what I said so I subtly tweeted about it but all her friends (who she was with at the time) asked her what the tweet was about and she told them and now they probably all think I'm the biggest douchebag on earth (which I could well be) and I'm just sitting here paralysed with embarrassment and regret and I don't know whether to cry or punch myself in the face. She says it's fine but I know it's not because if someone did that to me I'd be so fricking angry. What do I do?

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