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Genuinely Think My Teacher Fancies Me

Okay, just to get things straight, this is not a troll post, I just want an honest opinion.

My I think my old history teacher used to and still fancies me. She is in her mid 20s and is quite attractive and she used to be my teacher in year 12. Last I heard she used to date a 19 year old from one of the nearby colleges (that is actually true). My history class used to be loud one out of the 3 history classes and we had several class clowns, me included, sometimes lessons could be fun and at times we could take it too far and be forced to sit in silence for the whole lesson.

Anyways, what makes me think she had/has a thing for me

1) Even though I could be the loudest person in the class at times and I rarely completed classwork, she would never punish me even though other would get detentions for much less

2) She never minded if I handed in my work late but she would moan at others. (She was basically very lenient with me)

3)She would always have a laugh with me and find most of my jokes funny, no matter how childish they were. Sometimes she would laugh at things a teacher isn't allowed to laugh at.

4)She used to open up to me a little from time to time and tell me about her life, her old job and her hobbies etc.

5)At times she would flirt with me a little bit, sometimes implying that I fancy her.

6)Near to exam time she would often recommend that I pop in to her classroom at lunchtimes or after school if I had any questions in a seemingly desperate way.

7) At parents evening, I wasnt scheduled to speak to her at all because I booked an appointment with my other history teacher. however my mom noticed she kept looking over to me eagerly, in an attempt to speak to me and my mother.

In year 13 I dropped history so I wasn't in any of her classes anymore. But there still seemed to be something about her that made me think she was interested slightly. In the corridors and halls, there always seem to be a slight bit of tension whenever we crossed paths, but she or I would always say hello to each other.

Also whenever she was in the dining room or library or during assemblies we would always lock eyes for a bit and most times I looked at her, she would be looking and there would be a bit of awkward eye contact.

Now I'm at university, but two days ago I came back to school for the awards evening and she was there. Again we had prolonged eye contact several times, and again every time I looked at her, she was already looking at me.

Is this all in my head or was there something there?


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