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Anyone on here try the seven day sex challenge? What was your experience?

In quite a few churches across the country marriage ministries are encouraging couples to do a seven day sex challenge. Meaning you have to have to have sex with your spouse every day for seven days. I didn't think this would help my wife and I because we have sex 3 to 4 times a week, and it was good as far as I was concerned. Boy was I wrong.

I don't think the challenge can help sexless couples or couples who already have sex every day. But for those of us in the 1 to 4 times a week club it will light a fire in you.

When you know you're going to be having sex everyday both of you go out of your way to try new things because if you don't you'll be bored by mid-week. By day four we noticed something. We actually had more energy during the day than we normally do. Both of us also noticed we were able to step things up a notch in our workouts at the gym. The sex on day seven was better than the sex on day one!

Looking back on it we let ourselves get lazy in the bedroom. We'd do it three times a week but we would only bring our A game once a week. We pretty much mailed it in the other times. I realize now that we had lowered the bar over time for what we considered "good sex". After the challenge we were reminded of how good things can be when we challenge each other and push our boundaries. We haven't gone back and its been over a year.

If you're in a rut or things are getting monotonous, I recommend you give it a try.

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