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Why would my ex invite me to an event if we've had no contact for 8 months?

I got a text from my ex the other day. It's the first time he's contacted me in 8 months. He said he had two tickets to an event and asked me if I wanted to go with him. It ended badly because he left me for someone else, but I heard that didn't work out. I'm pretty sure he's got another girlfriend now though...

This guy goes to gigs and open mic nights every weekend and meets new people all the time, so why would he ask me to go with him and not one of his 100s of friends?

I don't really want to be back in contact with him as I don't want to open this can of worms and risk putting myself in a position where my feelings for him return and I get hurt all over again. But I'm curious what his intentions are.

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