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Long distance relationship - gf cheating HELP


So I've been in a relationship with my girlfriend for about 6 months now and we are currently on a long distance for about 3 months due to her job, (5000 miles away from me).
She made my life more beautiful and happier, and i love her so much and i miss her a lot! I can't be more grateful and thankful to have had her in my life to share those fantastic moments together. I care for my girlfriend so much and I'm there for her for whatever she needs and also to protect her from anything-anyone.

I must admit that I became very jealous and sad recently (sometimes i show it, but with caution, not to extreme - she doesn't like it anyways) especially when she blows me off for some "dinner-lunch" going out to clubs and such with her new colleagues, don't judge me just yet, I'm not obsessive kind of a person, but since when lunch time lasts for 10 hours? and without letting me know of her spontaneous change of plans, It's like she doesn't give a flying f**k about me, even though she knows that only her presence on Skype makes me happy since we are not together.

Now, understand that she's an flight attendant - stewardess, and believe me, people who are working there are so crazy with their sex life, and from what I've heard from her, almost everybody there is randomly having sex with each other cause of their needs and being away from their loved ones.

3 days ago she kinda broke my feelings a little bit, we had an situation,
she saw the sad look in my face and she started telling me how she misses me,(which by the way doesn't happen that often) i thought it was a pity talk, just to make me feel a little bit better, anyways, I said yeah, that's because i miss you too, so much and i miss talking about us, and when i said that, she got so unimaginably upset, telling me not to remind her of that cause she misses everything too and it makes her sad, that she cannot see her friends, family and me.
From my point of view and understanding with daily bullshit i get from her seems like she's trying to shut our relationship and become more cold to me, as she is today, i feel so damn weak and i don't know what to do..

So, 2 nights ago, we were speaking on Skype for some time and it was mostly some stories from her job and stuff like that cause she doesn't want to hear those "missing you" words and such, I tried anyways to bring some of those conversations about us, being positive, loving, caring, attractive, etc etc. to each other just to maintain a good long distance relationship, but recently I've noticed that she always somehow avoids these moments when i start these conversations, and this lasts for a quite some time now, i feel very sad when she ignores that..
Anyways, after some time i heard that her roommate came back from outside and my girlfriend told me that she will call me in 5 minutes, she seemed very happy about it by the way..
Ok, she called me 15 minutes after with a story that her roommate (who has a boyfriend) brought some guy from a beach to their apartment to have sex with him and with that she also added that she had missed sex and that she have been away from her boyfriend for 1 month and if she likes the sex, she'll continue doing it and cheating her boyfriend..
While we were talking about that my girlfriend told me that i should be happy that I'm with her, cause we're 3 months on a long distance relationship and that she didn't do that to me.. by the way, I'm very insecure sometimes, knowing that 2 guys proposed my girlfriend while with me in relationship and a bunch of guys coming on to her,
i don't trust my girlfriend also that much, knowing what kind of situations we've been through, like, she still being in contact with her ex, talking to pilots when they ask her out
and texting her on the phone while with her sitting in my lap she answers "I can't, it's raining outside" - not something like, hey I'm with my boyfriend and stop asking me out..Anyways, she was telling me how she would like to go and sleep before her next flight, and she turned her lights off, and right after we said good night and all that, there was a 1/2 sec of wait for the line to shut off, in those 1/2 seconds, I've heard -2 knocks on her door and opening-
I must admit that many things passed through my mind at that moment, and i needed a plan to get her as fast as possible again on line just to check who enters her bedroom when there's dark inside and she's sleeping, anyways, good thing that she was still online, didn't shut her pc,
I called her the 1st time, - no answer...
I sent her a message with the word "baby?" - nothing
i called again 2 minutes after, she rejects my call..
then she wrote me "tell me", she didn't called me, which pissed me off.
then i made up something about how i need help with my iPhone about recording the audio and texted her back, cause I'm a music producer and i could use a tip on that subject, so it was a good plan.
Then she tells me, "wait I'm on a call", got me thinking (shouldn't you be sleeping)
3 minutes after she calls me and starts to babbles about her friend loosing one flight or something, with the lights on again, and it was so intense moment that the call only lasted for 10 seconds, all i heard was, friend, flight, call you back in 5 min.
She calls me 20 minutes after, with nothing to tell, but i noticed there was some strange vibe going on, her voice changed, and she was a bit uncomfortable, i could tell, like she wanted to end that call with me. i can see it in her when those moments come,
Anyways, she just asked me first and the only thing "what you need help with your iPhone", i said, the plan I've created, and of course she said " i don't know " (master of iPhones) tells me that, just a bit hard to believe..
Then i told her, i thought you were going to sleep, you should rest and be well for tomorrows flight, she said "yeah", then she switched off her lights and in half laying position she looked at the dark for like 2/3 seconds like there was somebody hiding from me, and then she said," ok, have a good night, i will call you tomorrow from that other country that she was traveling to and she hung up the line.. by the way, she always leaves her Skype open when she goes to sleep, to have me around and be somehow connected with me....... this is the first time she did this to me.

Anyways, she arrived yesterday to her destination, around 1 PM and i asked her if everything went well with her flight and if she can come online cause I've missed her, she replied "kiss i reached"
then i asked her if she's in the hotel yet, she said no, we're still transporting with the bus, and airport is only like 20 minutes away from her hotel (5stars-WIFI included).
6 hours later, i get this text from her " hi baby, my colleague and me went for food, we were both really hungry..." - I was keeping my cool still anyways.
Then i asked her via Facebook, "are you coming online tonight as you said?" i saw that she has seen my message and she didn't replied anything yet. and oh yeah it has been 24 hours almost that she have arrived and i still didn't see her,

I seriously need some professional help, damn it, look at this long text, it really itches my brain and heart to think about her and the situations she's giving me, i have a strong feeling that she's cheating on me.
What should i do??

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