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Prenup a good idea or not?

So here's the deal. My fiancee and I are getting married in a couple weeks. To say we have had a historically volatile relationship would be putting it mildly. Yet through all the ups and downs, love seems to have prevailed, so here we are.

Financially speaking, we are in different places. I own a house and some property. I have a decent amount of assets, nothing to qualify me as wealthy by any means, about 450k with everything combined, including taxable portions. She has next to nothing, lives paycheck to paycheck. She also has wracked up some debt. I have debt too, but mine is just for paying off big ticket items, hers is on actual credit cards. She will be coming to live in my house (well, our house). Her daughter will live there for a bit before going off to school. When asked about the prenup a couple months ago, she was willing to sign. That was also during a bad moment though, when she probably would have agreed to anything. She brought it up a little later and kind of had an attitude about how I don't trust her.

So here is the deal. Prenups require full disclosure. To this day, she does not know the full amount of assets I have. I have been uncomfortable disclosing this because she is, quite frankly, not the best with money. To add another fold, she loves to spend money on new things for the house and on material goods. She claims to be a bargain shopper, but only along the lines of spending $2,500 instead of 3k lol. I am going to be losing my job because my company is relocating and I am not. I am of course actively searching.

I have no problem getting a prenup in theory. But the fact that full disclosure is required makes me very anxious. In her eyes, she will probably think I have a ton of money and get angry at me for acting like money is a concern and being afraid of spending too much when I have what I do. Oh, and I am also fully paying for the wedding, the honeymoon and new appliances for the house. So I am trying to figure out if I am getting myself in trouble more by disclosing the assets that I have for protection in the unlikely event of a divorce or if I am better off just keeping a lid on things until we get nice and cushy in the marriage. She doesn't necessarily have to divorce me to get what she wants anyway, she has been good at manipulating me to spend in the past. I have to get better at saying no lol. Any thoughts based on the situation if a prenup is a good idea?

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