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Daughter Says Shes Isn't Important to Me

My daughter is graduating HS in May. She is going to nearby college. I've been helping her with registration, etc. I've been separated since 05. Divorced since 06. I went overboard (my view) protecting my daughter from "pain" during and after divorce. Spoiled her. I don't feel she respects me. Her mother and I not on good terms. I remarried 11 months ago. My wife and I are living back and forth in two states for a time. Her son graduates in June. My daughter picked dates for college orientation. I told her when she let me know (this was some time ago) I was planing on being gone then (for step-son's grad). Orientation packet came with the conflicting dates. I reminded (in email about the material) her I planned on being out of state that week. Offered she could go with her mom, her future roommate or by herself (she's capable) if she didn't want to reschedule. She blasted txt back saying it was the two most important days of her su mmer and she wasn't going to change her dates to accommodate my travel (even though shifting by a mere two days would do it). She said if it meant enough to me I'd be there. I sent her orientation dates that would work for me. No word from her. Am I wrong for thinking she should move her dates and not put me in the position of choosing on or the other?

Put the internet to work for you. via Personal Recipe 2629979

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