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Never expected this ..... Hurting so bad!

Thanks for any input, it is appreciated..... My situation:
I have been married for 13 years to a beautiful, sexual, loving, perfect, exciting wife which I totally adore and am absolutely committed to. We have a beautiful 6 year old daughter. Life was perfect until 2 years ago she slipped and fell at a nationwide fast food restaurant (side note - they admit guilt, but that's irrelevant). Because of the fall she suffered a bad whip lash and severe nerve damage in her neck and the back of her head. A dozen doctors later; physical therapy; bio feedback; Radiofrequency (RF) rhizotomy ( 3 times -in which they actually burn the nerves in her neck to deaden them) has left her in constant pain with headaches that occur non stop. Of course as you can imagine it has changed her. She can only cope with lots of meds which also takes a toll on her emotions. In the last year she has told me that she doesn't want to be touched, hugged or kissed, don't even hold her hand. She wants no intimacy what so ever and at this point in her life and wha t she is dealing with can no longer love me or anyone else for that matter, much less be sexual.
My word, my love and my commitment to her and our family means something as it should. This is the for better or worse part that I happily agreed to.
But what advise can I get when the partner that you cherish only wants you in their life as a friend because that's all they are able to give and the prognoses doesn't look like that will change. Should I just man up and live the rest of my life with no love or intimacy? How could I bail when I know she needs me ( she can't even work full time because of the pain)... I do realize that she is in pain too... Albeit a different kind!
I am so lost and needing advise...I am not a selfish person even though this post may seem I'm turning her pain into it being about me. I look for advise as well as pray for strength and wisdom ...... Thanks

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