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Is it just me?

This isn't a marriage question...but more of a general relationship question and I hope I may be able to get some insight.

For the life of me, I'm so friggin' annoyed by people (family and friends) that constantly text me or talk about themselves.

Why do people feel like texting me is their personal social media?

Since the rise of texting, I find myself becoming "antisocial" as to avoid being bombarded with selfies, pics of their kids, and basically everything about their lives.

I usually put up with it until I can't take it anymore and now my glass is full. I will gouge my eyes if I see another selfie.

Is this just me? Is this normal in everyone's life? I have googled extensively but have found nothing on this matter.

More details:
Example 1: I have one sister that sends me so many selfies of hers and she would send me multiple photos of slightly different angle or degree of smiling and asks me which one is the best. I have seen hundreds of photos of ...just her face. She's 46 years old.

Example 2: I have another sister who just decided to join the texting world and now she's blowing up my phone with things about her day and what bags she bought or about her kids. What's annoying is when she sends pics she doesn't say anything and it's just the pics. Not once has she texted me to ask how I am, how my family is doing, or for a pic of my child. She is 44 years old.

Example 3: My SIL used to text me multiple times a day telling me about the most boring minor details of her life. After 2 years, I finally let her know that it's so overbearing to receive these texts. She got extremely angry and cut me off and also her own brother. we haven't spoken since then and it's been several months. She is 35.

Example 4: A friend of mine decided to make an accountable FB group so that she would continue eating healthy and lose weight which is great. However, it's become her personal diary: from her sick children, to fights with her husband, and again, more selfies. No one else posts but her. This one is easy because I unfollowed the group so I no longer receive notifications...just using it as an example. She's in her 30's.

Example 5: I have a sister who used to email me about her life and of course, I always respond each time and also share some pics of mine as in a 2-way sharing. Guess she didn't like it because she wouldn't respond. She is 42.

I put the ages so we know we're not dealing with teenagers. I'm 32 and I'm so so frigging fed up! I don't do it to them. Why do people do this?


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