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Told my son he has 30 days to move out, too harsh?

Last yr my 19 yo decided to go to a community college 2 hrs away for the experience of being away from us and playing for the football team (bc the one where we live isn't good enough).

When he didn't make the team,and couldn't find a job there(jobs abound here) he decided to move back. He doesn't have a car, so he's using our car. We are not charging him rent bc we wanthim to save up for a car, and eventually save enough to get his own Place. He's gong to school part time and working part time. That's the background.

We are a military family so we've always been about character and respect, and having a good work ethic. We never showered our kids with gifts/money,, yet unfortunately our older two have an entitlement mindset,.

My son has ONE chore he has to do before he leaves for work, which is sweeping the stairs. He has the easiest chore in the house. There have been times he hasn't done it, and times he's grumbled about it. Today I had enough. I told him he needed to sweep,and he starts mumbling under his breath, "well so and so didn't do their chore. Keep in mind all the chores get done by 6pm, and he leaves for work at 3:45...of course that's the reason they aren't done. Mind you he still has his breakfast dishes left out, and rarely cleans up after himself without someone telling him to. I told him he had 30 days to move out, find a roommate, do whatever you have to do, but you can't stay here if you are gonna argue with me over a 5 min chore and not pick up after yourself. I do NOT put up with talking back and being disrespected, and of course he only does it when my hubby isn't around.

Part of me feels like it will humble him and teach him a lesson, but the other part of me feels like it might lead him down the wrong path. Am I over reacting?


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