My girlfriend and I have been going out for quite some time now, and we were really good together, but since she started uni in January, she's become obsessed with this warped "feminist" ideology. Firstly I'd like to say I'm all about feminism and equal rights - I fully support it but she's been brainwashed into this super female politics thing after joining a feminists club at uni.
If she's making dinner, she'll only let just herself, or her girlfriends, have any because she says that a woman shouldn't have to cook for men.
I have to pay for all our meals and shopping because she says a woman shouldn't be forced into providing household items.
She won't come with us to the pub anymore because apparently everyone is sexist.
She won't let me watch any sports because "women are underrepresented in mainstream media".
We can't go and see my parents for the weekend - we have to see my parents on one day, and her parents on the other for it to be fair.
I can't call her my girlfriend, i have to call her my partner.
The list goes on, every time I try to talk to her about it she dismisses me and accuses me of stifling her female rights. I'm just at a crossroads. I love her to bits but I don't know how long I can keep it up.
Put the internet to work for you.
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