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I've hurt my boyfriends feelings! Help!

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Posted about this before but need help again.

Basically I've been dating this guy for a few months, he is lovely and we get on really well.
On Boxing Day I went on holiday for 3 weeks and we stayed in touch for the first part of my trip but then lost touch when I was in a developing country for about 11 days. He had told me that he really wanted to stay in touch when I was out there (and he has been cheated on in the past by an ex while she was abroad) but this didn't happen for various reasons.

When I got home he was quite frosty to me and we ended up arguing because he was distant. He asked to see me though and we finally saw each other again on Friday. When we met up, his body language was really closed off, his voice shook when he was talking about me not keeping in touch and I could tell he was having second thoughts about us. To make matters worse, we had a few drinks and I ended up telling him how much I partied on holiday and some other stuff I really shouldn't have said.

I really really care about this guy, I think I'm falling in love with him - and I know his mind is probably going crazy with all the possibilities of what happened when I was out in Asia, but nothing did. I feel like he is punishing me now - he wouldn't even have sex with me after our night out even though it was very obvious he wanted to and he's becoming more and more distant. I really want to fix things and make them better but I don't know how. Any advice would be great.


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