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Does sharing my bed give out the wrong message?

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There is going to be a big student event in my town next week, I live in a student flat. Loads of ex students and people outside of the uni circle are staying over at ours,

one girl coming over is a very good friend of mine, she asked is there anywhere for her to sleep I said yes but not going into detail as she has no option to share a bed with me. The lads will be sleeping on the sofas and flatmates will have their own beds so she has no option.

I'm not interested in our relationship going beyond friends and I don't want her to get the wrong messages that I want to get into her pants as I think it will ruin things because I don't want to lose her as a friend.

I know she is comfortable around me as she has gotten changed in front of me whislt getting ready go out and stuff. I don't want her getting attached to me and upsetting her when i'm not interested.


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