So basically, I've been rejected (on multiple occasions) by a close friend of mine and have now entered a stage where I'm accepting maybe she was just out of my league to begin with. I recently found out she had a boyfriend (who she has been seeing for a while) and the other day I asked her for the reasons why she never had wanted a relationship with me. This is what she came up with:
(a) not physically attracted to me (although that is not the most important factor for her wanting to date someone)
(b) my lack of relationship experience (she wanted the guy to know what he was doing)
(c) i'm too emotionally unstable
Now I was quite interested to hear this from her. The impression I get from her boyfriend is that he is a lot more confident than me, isn't at all clingy, has relationship experience and admittedly much better looking than I am. So I can see why she wants to date him as he fits those criteria and I don't.
The negatives of the current boyfriend however: he rarely wants to go out with my friend in public, he refuses to introduce her to his friends and doesn't want to make her a focal point of his life. This upsets her. The qualities my friend likes about me is that I'm very caring towards her, give her lots of attention and we have a lot of fun together.
The reason I make these points, is that I'm starting to wonder whether my friend is just using me to provide all the qualities that her boyfriend is lacking. Even if she isn't I don't think she realizes. She calls me her 'soulmate' but I'm not sure where I fit into all this and whether it is healthy for me to continue in this friendship. Thoughts?
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