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Should I give the relationship another go?

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Apologies in advance for the long paragraph...
about a year ago I ended a six month relationship with a guy because it just wasn't working. I loved him and loved being with him but we were both really shy people and it got to the point where he was scared to initiate anything, even kissing sometimes... I wasn't much more confident and I felt that the relationship wasn't going anywhere and I ended it.
a few weeks ago I saw him again for the first time in ages and all my feelings came rushing back (as cringey as that sounds). We've been messaging ever since and I've heard that he wants to get back with me but I'm kinda scared that it'll just end up the same as last time - I know I'm more confident now, but I don't know if he is?
should I give it another go? Surely it means something if we've still got feelings for each other after all this time?
advice pleeaaaaase...


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