So I got Tinder like 3 days ago cause I haven't had action in AGEs and i'm not in a situation where I'm meeting lots of new girls so to call it a drought is an understatement.
I uploaded a few pics where i'm looking relatively aesthetic and had something of a witty bio.
Got like 3 matches over the course of 4 days, 2 bots and a whale (im talking moby dick out here ) who tells me she had a bf after I engaged in some mild sexting (really).
Hold me brahs :o
Why do girls actually use Tinder though ? Does it stem from the fact that they have an innate need for validation, I mean even the 10/10 models who you see on the app seem to actually need compliments and sexual propositions thrown at them to be able to survive, lost faith in girl kind.
They call it a hook up app ? lol biggest scam I ever heard, but have to commend them on their marketing skills. Half of the girls on there have something along the lines of 'If your looking for casual sex then don't even swipe me !' 'on here for the bantz' 'on here cos im bored '. Logic not even once, you come on a self proclaimed HOOK UP APP and come looking for some freaking ryan gosling who is going to father your children ?
It's full of girls who know perfectly well that hoards of thirsty guys are going to be matching them, and have the app for that exact reason. Probably about 10% of girls are on the app to actually meet guys and 5% actually want casual sex.
Girls complain when men approach them on the streets or in a club but this just proves they like it really.
Put the internet to work for you.
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