So about 3 years ago I told my husband I wanted a divorce. He cried and begged for me to change my mind, he would change. He's an alcoholic and verbally abusive and controlling and threatening when it comes to our kids and taking them away from me. After about 4 months of holding strong I got tired of the fight and gave in and stayed in the marriage. Regret it every single day. Since then he has gotten so controlling, in every aspect. Nothing I do is right. I shouldn't have to ever leave the house. I just recently started working outside of the house and he does not like that at all. He snaps all the time on both me and the kids but says he has a condition in his brain where he cant help it so its not his fault (his excuse, nothing medically proven). His behavior has gotten worse over the last 3 years. We'd go to the lake every weekend before in the summer with my family and if he couldn't come because of work or what not we couldn't go. We mo ved into a house my dad built not even a year ago. It was always going to be ours so people weren't coming through it at all for tours. Well this summer he was different, he pushed for us to go to the lake every weekend. Not one time did he come with this summer which is polar opposite to what it was like in the past. Towards the end of the summer I was cleaning house and I found a pair of earrings beside the bed on the floor, up by the wall. I don't have my ears pierced. Neither does my daughter. No one has been in our house, let alone in our bedroom. I asked him about them and he said he didn't know where they came from and that was the end of the conversation. Meanwhile my gut tells me that he knows exactly who's earrings they are but my mind wrestled with am I just grasping at straws trying to find a way out or did he actually bring someone into the house. Havent told anyone because I am embarrassed, either way. Anyone have any insight. Am I just being dumb thinking that maybe something didn't happen but how could a PAIR if earrings get into a new house and land beside the bed and the wall? I have the earrings so its not like I imagined it.
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