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When dating, how long do you wait before sex?

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I don't know about other females but in order to have sex with a guy I would need to get to know him and have some kind of connection/relationship with him before I'd be comfortable having sex. So I've always assumed that it is best to get to know a guy and wait several months before having sex... I'm not really the tactile type anyway so this might be partly the reason. According to many guys though they expect sex on the third or fourth date as they don't feel comfortable in waiting a long time.. is this right? So I wondered what is the average wait time lol and when do you girls start to feel comfortable enough to do it with a guy?

On a similar topic I just wanted opinions on this. I went on a date with a guy who I've been talking online with for years (not met him in real life before though). After the date I told him that I had enjoyed it and he said that he had to. He said 'I particularly enjoyed looking at your sexy bum if you don't mind me saying so' Am I old fashioned or is this a bit forward after meeting someone once? I'm not the type who tries to be sexy. I wouldn't have minded nice eyes or something but then maybe I don't have them lol and my bum is actually the best thing about me! Anyway a week after that during normal online conversation he would keep twisting the convo to mention my bum and he wanted to send me a pic of his manhood. I would like to meet him again but the comments, talk of sex etc kind of puts me off. Is it me that is old fashioned or is he being a bit forward? He is ok apart from these comments etc, or is this the norm?


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