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Problems with my ex girlfriend?

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Problems with my ex girlfriend?
Hi, my ex gf and I broke up 3 months ago... at the moment we are "friends" although our "friendship" is not that great... we spend days where we talk for long time where we meet up and weeks without speaking to each other... Sometimes she also hints that we would be back together but most of the time shes rude and she lies about hanging out with me like at my birthday 3 days ago... At the moment I am dating a really nice girl who treats me really good but I keep thinking about my ex... 2 years are not easy to erase from your mind above all if she is your first love... We even lived together for a while... What should I do? She is ruining my life please I need help.
She got jealous when she got to know that I am dating this new girl since then for a few days she tried to get closer to me etc
btw I want her back...
I was thinking about calling her n tell her that she has to make a decision once forever about us otherwise Ill delete her from my life


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