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Bad Sex Leads to No Sex

Earlier today, my husband and I had a couple of arguments; now that he's at work and I'm left at home upset about our fights and looking for solutions, I figured I would seek out some advice with my fellow married folk.

One of our foremost problems, and one that, unfortunately, is discussed the least, is my lack of satisfaction in our sex life.
When we had first started dating, we typically had sex a few times a day, whenever we could manage it. Soon after we got married, however, I realized how little pleasure I derived from our sex acts.

Initially, I continued to have sex with my husband fairly regularly; but none of it was enjoyable. Actual intercourse is usually painful for me, as my husband is a fan of fast and hard techniques. When he does attempt to please me, orally or manually, absolutely none of it feels good, or gets me the least bit aroused.

I've been looking for answers online, and I don't think I have low libido. I do want sex. I want wonderful, hot, passionate sex. But is sex with my husband ever wonderful? Definitely not. Perhaps it is hot and passionate, on his part, but personally, sex for me means staring at the ceiling until my husband is satisfied and I can move on with my day.

I love my husband very much. He is an incredible man. And, might I add, a very attractive man as well. But perhaps he is not such a great lover.

We've had SO much sex (most of it while we were still dating). In all that time, he has probably brought me to orgasm about four times. He, on the other hand, orgasms from three to six times per session. I've essentially stopped sleeping with him. I don't want a sexual relationship that is entirely one-sided. I fee l that it is not fair for only one of us to enjoy sex when both of us crave sexual satisfaction, in my opinion.

I would like to receive any advice you all might have to offer.
Honestly, I'm desperate for better sex.

A Navy Wife


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