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I keep getting really upset when getting intimate

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Last night I was at a party, pulled this guy I've been flirting with for a while. I do like him, but as soon as I left him to go to the toilet I started crying for absolutely no reason. I was a little tipsy/drunk so I put it down as that, and I was fine after a couple of minutes and I rejoined him. Later on we were getting a bit more intimate, I suddenly felt really odd and told him to stop which he did, he then got worried and asked me if I was OK because I looked like I was going to cry.

The thing is, this isn't the first time this has happened; with the last guy I was seeing, I was on the verge of tears every time we finished having sex, which was a bit of a buzzkill for both of us. But I just don't understand why this keeps happening because I am actually having a good time. I don't know, like excess emotion or something? The guys I've been with have been nice, like telling me I don't have to do anything I don't want etc. but its not even that...I honestly don't understand what I'm getting upset about, its like I just have really strong reactions when getting close to someone. I don't know if this means I shouldn't do it (but I want to) or if I don't really like the guys I'm with (but I do like them).

so err spontaneous crying after kissing someone, normal? :S


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