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Dating someone you are friends with...

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Hey everybody,

this may be long, but basically I need some advice about getting serious with a girl who is kind of my 'friend' at the moment.

So, we are both at uni on a similar course and I have known her for about 3-4 months. Only in the past month have I really got closer to her, and gotten to know her interests/dislikes. We are pretty similar in some ways, have plenty of common interests and quite a few mutual friends.

The thing is that I asked her to come for dinner with me, and she did - but not as a date. It's more like a friendly thing I am guessing. There was nothing between us apart from a good chat etc, we both had a decent time but she didn't let me pay for her. When I insisted on paying for her she said "it's not like this was a date or anything…" - now she could be saying this for the sake of paying but maybe she didn't see it as a date? She did let me drop her half-way home, where her parents agreed to pick up, and she even introduced us, and told me afterwards that they thought I was a nice person!

later that night, she texted me to say thanks etc. and I suggested that we should meet up again, and we agreed to meet next month after exam for another dinner event with music etc.. She hasn't texted me since then - just to make it clear we don't usually text a lot, but occasionally have a chat about music or films etc.

What should my next steps be? Should I text her again and try and hold a convo with her?

Anon as I know people on here - thanks for reading.

TL;DR - like a girl but she is already a friend, how do I make it obvious I like her without making it awkward?


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