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How to know if someone is really interested in you

There's a man I've known for a few years. He's a widower and I knew him before my divorce (though he had absolutely nothing to do with the divorce). For the last 2 years, we've dated a little on and off. Nothing very serious. He's seen other people, I've seen other people. There was a period last summer where things were kinda hot and heavy but they came to an abrupt stop because he made it clear that he only wanted one thing and that wasn't what I wanted.

Well fast forward to about 2 months ago. We've gone out to dinner a time or two and seem to enjoy each other's company. We've talked about there maybe being something more and he's said he's willing to give it a try and see but I'm more than a little concerned that he's only saying what he thinks I want to hear. We text frequently and his are usually of a sexual nature with a few nude photos (which isn't terrible but feels kinda weird since we've never said we're exclusive ya know).

He never asks me questions about my life, my family, my work, etc. He comments appropriately if I bring them up but never asks himself. Am I crazy for being hesitant??


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