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Close guy friend wants relationship with me dilemma?

Close guy friend wants relationship with me dilemma?

I am not a very 'open' but quite extroverted person and I value my privacy and thoughts the most and its not easy for me to talk about my dilemmas with my friends but I need advice from a stranger
background info is late teens, told to be 'really attractive' girl never had any relationships in the past but I have been asked out quite a few times but I never really saw the point of pointless bf's that wont last. If I get intoa relationship I would have to be really commited. I guess I m pessimistic, links in with my depression which again I have not told anyone but one person. There is a guy that I've been in a very close knit group and have an awful lot of memories together- the one carrying me home on drunk nights out and always looking out for me and takes a lot of interest in my life.We're both 'different' than a normal 19 y/o I guess we're both bit beyond our years and really into philosophy ect and generally share interest. He is also the only person I have shared my personal problems with and vice versa so I do really value our friendship and him. I do like him but I never know if I like him in that way, as most my my 'male family role models' that I always used to talk to about problems like my older brother dad are not with me anymore I do seek that protective nature and someone I could talk to in my close male friends so I do see him like a brother. I did know he liked me, or find me special but I never thought as in romantically and a week back when we both went out and had some alcohol in us he really did confess he liked me and i m the only woman he cares for in him life and for me that went a bit further than I expected. I feel in a way I couldn't make it work with dealing with my own problems and commitment, but then if I tell him so stay close friends it might ruin our relations and I cant afford that to happen.I cant really talk to any of my girl friends about it as I cant really talk to women about personal things- it doesnt mean I dont love them as much as a person i would tell things to but its not really my choice I cant decide these things :( Worst thing is I am seen as very normal (which is far from the truth) and outgoing as I m extroverted but introverted also and thats why having someone there means so much to me and I cant afford to **** it up but then again I dont know if I could make it work either right now but if I just dont do anything I might hurt his feelings but then again if he went out with someone else it would hurt me too. Thoughts? Please be truthful


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