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No where to turn?

Gonna try and make this short. My ex and I were together for over 4 years and have a daughter together. A year and a half ago she left me saying we've grown apart. We lived together at one point. She moved back to her moms but we stayed together. Problem is I'm still not over her. Can't stand the thought of her dating another guy. We still talk and hang out... A lot. She does the holidays with my family, we just spend 10 days together in Disney with our daughter. I hide it like it doesn't bother me that I can't hug her, kiss her and be romantic. We talk almost every day. I in no way was perfect. I was lazy, took her for granted and sometimes called her stuff I wish I didn't. She gave me plenty of chances before, but none in the last 2 years. She said today we can be a family but not together. She thinks we are better as friends. But lately she's been distant. Which happened once before when she was talking to someone. Which is how the whole convo came up shout being together. She always bring up how we still argue at times. She expects me to be perfect but I get irritated with the whole situation at times. I've been hurt before and never took this long to get over a break up. I have tried dating but it's like I'm not into it. I just want to be a family. I love spending time together but I think that's why I'm still atrached. Should I just cut her off and have a schedule with my daughter? Keep the talking to a minimum unless it is about our daughrer? I mean I still have faith just so hard to accept it's really over.


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