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Cried when "Mandela" cheated on his wife - reminded me of cheating ex!

Recently went to watch the screening of Mandela - the movie. While stuff on independance etc were touching, I actually cried at the cinema when he cheated on his wife, and his relationship with his new wife and how they ended up splitting.

It constantly reminded me of my ex. We were so close and fairly happy. She went on holiday, got drunk and slept with someone she met the same day. Its been 8 months now that happened and I immediately broke up, yet it still hurts. And watching anything to do with cheating, it just reminds me of her.

How can I get over things like this? I already have a new, amazing girlfriend. How can I move on from that cheating. It still affects me coz I still have doubts that my current GF can do the same to me.


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