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I Think I Might Be a Nice Guy?

Hi, I have been reading the posts on this site now for some time and can really relate to a lot of the stories and issues other men are having. Most of them generally contain a response to read a book called "No More Mr. Nice Guy". I always thought of myself as a "Nice Guy" or what I thought was a nice guy before reading the book. I am only about halfway through it and although I can relate to it so much that it is scary. However, it keeps going back to childhood experiences and abandonment issues. I can honestly say that as a child I cannot recall ever feeling as such. My parents are my heroes, they have always been there for me no matter what happens. They are far from judgmental and accept everything I do knowing that I am doing my best. There are no standards for me to live up to except that I try my best.

Is it possible to just be like this without any past childhood trauma causing it? This is way I hate therapy, they seem to always want to blame someone else or that someone else caused it. Why can't it just be my brain?

As a note I am just reading it cover to cover now, not doing the activities or sharing it with anyone else.


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