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Is it fair?

I know that question probably does not matter when you are in the process of a D but still I ask it.

Married 18 years.

Four kids.

We both work, I make more.

She's unhappy and wants out. There's no abuse, fighting or other things that you hear about ending a marriage. The problem is poor communication for years resulting in a breakdown of our marriage.

We tried MC in 2006 and late 2007 both times with improvement but not long term so here I am again but this time there's no talk of MC just D.

My question really is why should I be the one to take all the "lumps?" She wants the house, full custody and thinks I will pay close to $2,500 a month in support. I think that's crazy, I have an attorney and I will find out what my obligations are.

She makes good money, not as much as I do but she can afford an apartment, her own bills and be alright. I can afford this house and all the bills myself. We can both do those things without support from each other.

I want 50/50 custody and there's no reason in my mind why I can't have that. I'm a great father, hard work, respectable and a law abiding citizen. There's nothing that says I can't have 50/50 custody she just think, in her mind, that the kids would be better off with her most of the time and visitation with me, I say BS to that.

Once the legal wheels start turning I fear things might get ugly because I refuse to be a door mat or to lay down and take these lumps.:soapbox:


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